Тема: Сучасні технології у нашому житті. Мета: Узагальнити та систематизувати знання з теми;семантизувати лексичні одиниці з теми; Навчати монологічному мовленню з опорою на прочитаний текст; Практикувати роботу учнів у групах;формувати навички роботи з презентаціями. Розвивати дослідницькі навички учнів та критичне мислення, уміння виділяти головне, порівнювати і узагальнювати результати; розвивати комунікативні навички. Виховувати інформаційну культуру. Тип уроку: інтегрований.Обладнання: картки, таблиці, презентації по темі, ноутбук, мультимедійний проектор Х і д у р о к у: І. Початок уроку. 1. Бесіда з класом. T.: Good morning dear children. First of all I’d like to ask you to smile to feel comfortable. If you smile, everything will smile around. I believe you’ll enjoy our today’s lesson. You will get additional іnformation about modern technologies in our life. The 21-st century! It’s famous for- Radio and computers, Bicycles and scooters, Trains and plains, Sockets and rockets, TV and CD Things that are used In our family II. Основна частина уроку What makes our life easier, longer and warmer? The telephone The digital camera The radio The walkman The computer The IPOD The Internet New technologies make our life easier, longer and warmer III. Захист міні-проектів (перевірка домашнього завдання) Т: So, some members of your groups have made projects connected with the topic of our lesson "Modern technologies in our life.” Презентацiї в Microsoft Power Point no темам: 1) Сomputers Get to know more information about computers Personal computers first appeared in the mid-1970s, and since then they have changed our lives forever. How? What effect have they had?
Nowadays, practically everyone has a computer at home. Computers play a very important role in our life. We need them everywhere. Computers are used by people of all ages: from teenagers to professional businessmen. We cannot study at school without using a computer. Computers are used in many branches of knowledge. For example, pupils and students use computers to write reports, to find information they need, to make new friends with the help of the Internet, to write compositions, etc. A computer is also used as an electronic vocabulary. It is made for people who have no time to look up translations or explanations of words in the dictionary. To my mind, computers were invented as machines for business people not to waste their time. As a computer does in a few minutes the work that people may do for hours. But as for me, computers were invented for lazy people too. From one hand, computers are made as an aim to help people. But from the other hand, it teaches us not to think ourselves but with the help of the machine. Many friends tell me that computer is their best friend. But frankly speaking, I cannot understand how a nothing-feeling machine can be somebody’s friend. As for me, I enjoy reading books myself more than to take information about them from my computer. By reading books we learn to think and to feel, we make our speech more eloquent. I get pleasure in speaking to my friend, listening to what she says, looking into her eyes, following her impressions and feelings. Of course I agree that computer is a very useful thing, but as for me, I enjoy communicating with an alive person more than working with a machine.
Answer the questions: - What can computers do? - Where do computers help? Computers store information. They can work quickly. Computers help to work in hospitals, supermarkets, offices and banks. They print tickets at the stations. Librarians look for books on a computer. You can connect with others with the help of a computer. Computers help children to learn and practice at school. Some computers can write what you say to them. Computers are real helpers!
1. Do you know computer’s parts and software? Name some of them. Word game 1) The glass surface of a TV or computer where the picture or information appear (Screen) 2) A piece of equipment, connected to a computer, crossword for moving around the screen and entering commands without using the keys (Mouse) 3) The set of keys on a piano, computer, etc (Keyboard) 4) A square piece of plastic that can store information from a computer (Floppy) 5) A place, connected to the Internet, where a company an organization, an individual person puts information (Website) 6) A machine that prints out information from a computer onto paper (Printer) 7) A collection of information or material on one subject that is named, and stored together in a computer or on a disc (File) 8) A small computer that is easy to carry and that can use batteries for power (Laptop) 9) An electronic machine that can store, find and arrange information calculate amounts and control other machines (Computer) 10) A way of sending electronic messages and data from one computer to another (Email) Do you work with computers at your lessons at school? Pupils: Yes, we do. T: What are these lessons? (The teacher shows the names of the subjects): • Is it Ukrainian? • Is it English? • Is it History? • Is it Maths? • Is it Computer Studies? Pupils: Yes, it is. We use our computers at our Computer Studies. Computers have become an integral part of our life. So,let's define some pros and cons of using computers. What negative and positive effects have computers had? Think hard! Make two lists. Positive effects • it helps us keep step with the times • it helps not to be lost in the world of infor¬mation • it helps to improve our knowledge in different subjects • we can study school subjects with the help of educational programs • it saves a lot of time • it brightens our life • it's a brilliant source of information • it helps in solving many routine problems; • it is possible to keep (store) and change all work made by you • it is possible to store photos, books, ency¬clopedias, dictionaries in a computer • it helps in homework • it saves time in information search • you do not feel lonely • it is a waste of time Negative effects • people are getting a bit too dependent on computers • electronic devices are not reliable • many children become nervous, when they play violent games on a computer • you become dependent on a computer • computer spoils sight and becomes the cause of many diseases
2) Mobile phone Nearly half of the people buying phones say they have bought them for their personal use only. They are bought by both boys and girls alike. Many young people use the phones to contact their parents if they are going to be late back from school. Others use the phone to stay in touch with friends, or to discuss homework during the week. The phones have become fashionable. Young people compare different types, ringing tones and programmes. Many phones have often been bought as presents. Young people like the look on a phone. Young people out alone feel safer if they can reach family and friends quickly. Almost three million mobile phones have been bought as Christmas presents this year. It has been predicted that over half of the total number of young people in this country will possess a mobile phone in the next five years. Almost all communications will be on the mobile phone in the next ten years. Owning a mobile is not a sign of how much money you have but a means of keeping in touch. Young people will continue to buy more and more mobile phones. This is good news for the mobile phone companies. In future, the phones which will be the most popular will be those which look attractive and have a lot extras.
Work with dictionary. Match the definitions (1-6) with words (a-f)
a) blog 6. A personal on-line diary or journal that anyone can access. b) cyberspace 1. The imaginary "space” through which Internet messages travel. c) dotcom 4. An Internet business. d) spam 2. Unwanted e-mails sent to you by commercial companies. e) webcam 3. A videocamera that can transmit images live over the Internet. f) webcast 5. A live "television programme” on the Internet, broadcast by a webcam
3) In¬ternet I think that among telephone, radio and television the Internet is the greatest invention of humanity. The Internet appeared in our country not so long ago. But millions of people are already its active users. One of the most interesting things in the Internet are chats. In chats people meet, communicate and find out lots of in¬teresting things. There are many reasons why people decide to visit chats. But for most of them it's just one of the ways to find a boy-friend or a girl-friend, they just try to escape from loneliness. The Internet gave us a solution of our problem. We decided to use the electronic mail system (or e-mail). It is very simple: using a simple text editor you type your message and with a special programmes you send your e-letter to the electronic address of your friend or partner by the lines of the Internet. You can also attach to your letter a graphic, sound or video file. And, what is the most fantastic thing, your friend will receive a message in two or three minutes! And it is not important if he lives in the next door house or in some other country, in Russia, the United States or Australia. It is really very exciting when in ten minutes after you have sent a letter, you receive an answer! And (it is very important to say) this is much more cheaper than sending a traditional letter or phoning, for example, to America.
Fill in the sentences with the words given below. Button, keyboard, screen, mouse, website You should start your computer first by pressing the start button. Then connect to the Internet. Use the keyboard to type in the name of the website you are interested in. To move about the screen use the mouse. Next click on "E-mail Friends Contacts”. If you want to send e-mails to friends around the world complete the form. Send your e-mail finally. Write an e-mail to a friend Writing an e-mail - Give a subject to your e-mail - Start with greetings - Make your e-mail short. E-mails are usually not too long - Try to make your ideas clear - Imagine your friend when you are writing your e-mail Example: From: Alina Trubachova To: Masha Ostrovska Subject: Hobbies I’m found of computers and Internet. I think that chat is really an amazing thing. There is neither age, nor nationality, nor social position. You can be what you want to be. As for me, I really adore chats. And although I'm a novice I have already a lot of friends all over Ukraine. In real life I would never be able to meet them (because it's unreal to come to Slavyansk, for example, to meet somebody) and it's awful because I would never meet so many good people. Answer the qutstions: -"Internet is a dangerous place, isn't it?” - Have you ever "Surfed the NET”? - Is it interesting for you? - How do you use In¬ternet in your life? - Have you got your own email? - Is this information interesting and useful for you? Why?
IІІ. Повторення. 1. Do you have a computer at home or at school? What do you do with it? I can play games write projects send e-mails watch films surf the Net listen to music communicate with other people order and buy CDs and videos get information about weather
ІV. Заключний етап уроку 1.Домашнє завдання. 2.Підведення підсумків уроку
Modern technology has made our life better and quicker. It is much easier for people to get any kind of information with the help of modern devices. Internet is saving our time and it is a great way to meet new friends. Mobile phone can help us to get out of difficult situation and keep in touch with friends and family. We can do our shopping and banking through the Internet. Young people could become addict to new video games and spend everyday playing instead of going out to the park with other friends. The biggest problem with technology is that it makes easier and easier for people to do almost any kind of work what means that people have less and less to do, which in turn results in more laziness, less activity, less effort.