Славянская общеобразовательная школа І-ІІІ ст. № 15
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Сполучені Штати Америки
ТЕМА: Сполучені Штати Америки.

Мета: 1. практична – узагальнити і закріпити в усному та писемному мовленні лексико-граматичний матеріал теми;
2.освітня – розширити світобачення учнів у межах теми;
3.розвиваюча – розвивати вміння учнів здійснювати мовленнєву діяльність, самостійність у роботі, навички само- і взаємоконтролю;
4.виховна – виховувати допитливість, спостережливість, увагу, заохочувати до пошуку нових знань.

Обладнання: карта США, таблиці, картки, ТЗН, текст для аудіювання.


1. Початок уроку:
- Good afternoon, everybody! Get ready for the lesson. We’ve 
   learnt the theme "The USA”. We’ve learnt a lot about the 
   USA. It’s such an interesting country, isn’t it?

Now we can start.

- Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
- Who is absent?
- What foreign language do you learn and why?
Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign language.  Some people learn language, because they need it for their work,
              others travel abroad, for the third studying language is a hobby.

- Why do you learn exactly English?

Nowadays English has become the world’s most important language
in politics, science, trade and cultural relations.

- If you have a chance to visit an English-speaking country which 
would you go to?
Have I a chance to visit an English-speaking country I’d start to 
    the USA.

II. -  What do you know about the USA. ( Повторення ).
1. Test about the USA.

2. Аудіювання тексту New York.
                  ( Учні слухають текст 2 рази )        

                          Answer the questions:
- When was New York founded?

It was founded three hundred years ago at the mouth of the Hudson

- What is the center of the city?

The center of  New York is Manhattan Island.

- Why is New York called " modern Babylon ”?

New York is inhabited by people of almost all nationalities and races.

- What are the most important industries in New York?

New York is one of the leading manufacturing cities in the world. The
most important industries are those producing paper products, vehicles, glass, chemicals, machinery.

3. Ask the questions which receive the following answers:

- English is spoken in the USA.
- There are 50 states in the country.
- The USA consists of three separate parts.
- George Washington was the first president.
4. Answer the questions, please:

- What is the population of the USA?
The population of the USA is about 250 million people.

- How many states does America have?
The USA has 50 states.

- What is the capital of the USA?
It’s capital is Washington.

- What countries do the United States border on?
In the north the USA borders on Canada.

- What two oceans is the United States washes by?
It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean
in the west.

- What state of the USA is situated in the Pacific Ocean?
Hawaii is situated in the Pacific Ocean.

- What American state is situated 50 miles from Russia?
Alaska is situated 50 miles from Russia.

- What strait separates Russia from America?
The Bering Strait separates Russia from America.

- Do you know the largest city of the USA? Where is it located?
New York, the biggest city of America, is situated in the mouth of 
the Hudson River.

- What kind of houses are there in New York?
There are many banks and firms, many skyscrapers of fifty and more
storeys in New York.

-   Why was Washington named this way?
It was named in honour of the first president George Washington.

- Why does this city differ from other ones?
This city has no tall buildings.

- Where and when was Harvard University built?
It was built in Boston in 1636.

- Why is America called a " melting pot " or " mixed salad " ?
It is called so because people of many nationalities live there.

It’s a pity, but our lesson is over. I think it was very interesting.
Thank you.

III. Заключний етап уроку.

1. Коментування відповідей, виставлення оцінок.
2. Домашнє завдання. Підготовка до наступної теми.
Категория: Кононенко Н.В. | Добавил: efremova-marina (01.02.2014)
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