Славянская общеобразовательная школа І-ІІІ ст. № 15
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Книжки в нашому житті. Видатні письменники
Тема:  Книжки у нашому житті. Видатні письменники.
Мета: Розвивати навички ведення дискусії по темі.
Автоматизувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення за темою уроку. Розвивати навички читання. Прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови. Продемонструвати вживання модальних дієслів, умовних речень у мовленні. Виховувати у дітей прагнення до читання всесвітньої літератури мовою оригіналу. 

Обладнання: Портрети письменників, картки, магнітофон, аудіо записи.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Хід уроку:
І. Початок уроку.
1. Бесіда з класом.
Teacher:         Good morning, pupils. I am happy to great you at our English lesson. 
Tell me please: What foreign languages do you study? 
Pupil 1: We study English.
Teacher: Is English difficult for you, or is it easy?
Pupil 1: As for me English is most difficult for me.
Teacher: Do you know how to learn English letter?
Pupil 2: Yes, there are some rules of memory. It is necessary to repeat the 
material  you’ve learn every three days. If you don’t repeat the material with in three days most of the information vanishes as if you never learnt it. It is better to memorize the material before you go to bed. You’ll memorize it more quickly.
Pupil 3: It’s very useful to listen to the material you are learning to memorize 
the pronunciation.
Teacher: One should also know that we get 90% of information by teaching 
others, only 20% by listening and 30% by seeing.
- How long does it take you to do you English Homework carefully?
Pupil: It takes me two hours.
Teacher: Do you like English?

Pupil: English language is a wonderful language. It is the language of  the 
great literature.  It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens.
The great German poet Goethe said: "He, who knows no foreign 
language, does not know his own one.” 

Teacher: That is why in order to understand oneself and environment one has 
to study foreign languages.
Today we are going to speak about Books…
So the topic is: Books are our friends, English writers.

II. Books are our friends. I like to read books.
1. Розвиток навичок з читання. /Учні читають текст/

?  Answer the question:
Is it possible to live without books for you?
Who read books for you when you were a child?
What kind of books do you like to read?
You like to read books, don’t you?
Do you prefer to read English books?
Have you got many books at home?
Where can you buy books?
Can you buy all the books which you want to read?
What is your favourite book?
Books, are our friends, aren’t they?

2. Автоматизація дій учнів з граматичними структурами (модальні дієслова).

Make up sentences about books. Use modal verbs.
You should read books! Books are our friends.
You ought to read books! Knowledge is power, knowledge is light.
You must read books. The more we read, the more we know.
You have to read books. Wonders are many but nothing is more wonderful than books.

You will be wise if you read books.
You will be educated if you read books.
You will be clever if you read books.

You will be dull if you don’t read books.
You will be funny if you don’t read books.
You will be stupid if you don’t read books.
III. Famous Writers. (Розвиток та автоматизація навичок монологічного мовлення)
Teacher: Now, pupils speak about your favourite writers. 

Pupil: William Shakespeare.
My favourite writer is Shakespeare. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford – on – Avon, a small English town. William spent his childhood in his native town. William’s father was a rich man and he gave his son a good education. William studied at a grammar school. The main subjects that time were Latin and English. William knew Latin well. He could read and translate Latin books. William was fond of English folk – songs and ballads. 
Some time later William’s father became poor, and William had to go to London and begin to work. William’s first work was to look after horses of the rich people who came to the theatre. Later on Shakespeare became an actor, then he founded a theatre himself. The name of that theatre was "The Globe” because it was round. Shakespeare wrote the plays for the theatre and played the main parts in them.
William Shakespeare also wrote many sonnets and poems. The best and the most popular Shakespeare’s works are "King Lear”, "Romeo and Juliet”, "Twelfth night”, "Hamlet”, "Othello”. Written hundreds of years ago, these works are very popular nowadays. They are translated into many languages and they are read and loved by the people all over the world.
Pupil: George Byron.
My favourite writer is Byron. George Gordon Byron was born on January 22, 1788 in London. The poet’s early years were spent in the small town of Aberdeen. He was ten when he inherited the title of Lord Byron.
Byron’s first poetical efforts were made before he was thirteen. In 1812 he published his "Child Harold’s Pilgrimage” which brought him fame and universal acclaim.
Byron wrote many poems, one of which was devoted to Ukrainian hetman Mazepa. His last work was a novel "Don Yuan”. 
Byron took an active part in political life of England. In 1816 he left England never to return. He fought for liberation of Italy and Greece.
He died in 1824.
George Byron lived only 36 years but his life has always been and will always be an example of courage, and heroism. 
Pupil: Jack London.
My favourite writer is Jack London. Jack London became famous at the beginning of the 20th century. He was one of the first writers in America, who wrote about the difficult life of workers, about social injustice. Now his books are known all over world. People in his books live a difficult life, a life full of danger, but these people are afraid of nothing and nothing can stop them. They fight for life even when the end seems near. Like the life of heroes Jack London’s life was not easy and it was not long. He lived less than 40 years. He was born in San Francisko in 1876. His family was poor and always needed money. Jack was older than the other children. He had to help his family as much as could. He had to leave school and go to work. Like many other poor boys in California he found work on ship that went from America to the countries of the East. There he saw wonderful places, beautiful green islands and the endless blue sea. But the sailors got little money for their work. And when Jack came back home, he had almost nothing. So, he left home again to look for work in the cities of the USA and Canada. He learnt about the life of the people he met, about the worker’s struggle. The life of workers interested Jack London very much. And later he described it in his novel "The Iron Heel”. When he came back home again, Jack London was full of new ideas, he was going to become a writer. He was sure that his stories about far places and brave men would be interesting to people. But his language was poor and full of mistakes. He decided to learn English better and he read all the books in the city library. He read novels of well – known authors. He tried to discover the secrets of their art. Day after day, month after month he wrote short stories, poems, plays. The magazines didn’t want to publish them, but like the hero of his famous novel "Martin Eden” Jack was not discouraged. At the end of the 19th century, gold was discovered in Alaska. The whole world became interested in this cold country where nobody lived. Jack London bought a ticket on the first ship to the North. He wanted to see the life of men who came to look for gold. Like many other men who came to Alaska Jack had not enough food and he had no vegetables or fruit. Ne became seriously ill and had to come back home to San Francisco. He came back without gold but with something better than gold. In his memory was the rich world of the Far North. Now he knew how to write and he began writing again. When he was 23, a small magazine agreed to published his stories. Soon a well – known magazine invented him to write for them. He became a popular writer.
Pupil: Rudyard Kipling. 
My favourite English writer is Rudyard Kipling. Kipling was born in India in 1865. His father worked there at that time. He was a famous painter.
When Rudyard was six his parents sent him to England where he went to school. He did not like mathematics, but he was good at history. He received a gold medal for his work in history.
Kipling came to India when he was seventeen. He began to work in a newspaper. At twenty – one he published his first book of poems. A year later he wrote a book of short stories about India. He traveled very much. During that time he wrote some of his best works – children’s stories about animals and some books on history.
In 1907 Kipling was awarded the Nobel prize for literature. 
He was the first Englishman who was awarded this prize.

IV. Заключний етап уроку.
1. Підведення підсумків уроку. 
Teacher: Pupils, our lesson is coming to the end. I’m happy to say we’ve done 
a good lit of work during this lesson.
And now open your heart to noble ideas. Here’s a fragment of the poem by Rudyard Kipling. He wrote it as a will to his son. Listen to it…
And if your agree with the poet try to learn the verses by four lines each day. I’m sure you’ll admire the verses and the music that follows them.

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too.
If you can wait and not be tired of waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look to good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son! 

With that our time is up. Thank you for your work. I hope, you have found our lesson interesting. Good bye, see you next lesson.

Категория: Кононенко Н.В. | Добавил: efremova-marina (31.01.2014)
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